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Kindness & Coherence

Over the past month I began my Kindness experiment and challenge. It is my belief that most people are inherently kind and want to express themselves in a kind and caring way. The challenge is how to respond kindly when we come across situations and people that may be triggering our needs and stressful situations that come up in our everyday work and personal life. I have noticed how I may not always be KIND to myself and I suspect I am not alone. This month I began to implement a new stress resiliency tool that is called Heart Coherence. This technique was created by Heart Math an organization created in 1991. Their mission is to teach people to decrease stress, build resilience and unlock their intuitive guidance to make better choices. It is their belief that each individual can contribute kindness by taking responsibility for becoming coherent and kind to themselves and then to generate that emotion out to the global community. Using these techniques has been helpful to me in learning how to reduce stress and focus on self-compassion which is a very kind thing to do! I have recently used this tool in improving my intuition in many areas of my life including relationships, work and business decisions and family matters. What has been most significant is my ability to fairly quickly release the blocked emotion and get a new perspective on the situation. Then I have more ability to move forward with my next step and strategy as needed. This allows me to send that compassion and kindness out to others in a more authentic and satisfying way. For more information on Health Math you may visit their website at Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to any one that would benefit and enjoy it! Let me know what you think of the tool and if I can support you in any way: With Love and Kindness, Fran

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Fran Medina Coaching

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