The Principle of Trust

Trust is surely one of the most challenging lessons we encounter. It’s quite easy when things are moving smoothly in our lives. When we want a solution to an issue or situation in our lives trust is the fundamental part of the path... But why is it so hard?
Our perception of the problem or challenge is usually locked in to a certain way of thinking and there lies the first roadblock. Sure we desire an answer to a situation but looking back over time don’t we see the flow and exact reason why the situation took longer or turned down another path? I have had many discussions with friends about TRUST and we are all on that boat riding the waves. Don’t isolate in your feelings. It is part of the Human experience. There are forces orchestrating the highest good for each and every one of us. When I tap into that force and allow the present moment to occur I invite more possibility and grace into my life. Some things that help me on my path are:
Self-care- taking time to nurture my soul every day
Visualization-If you see it you will believe it
Support from others that will lift you up and reboot your vision
Over the past 6 months I have been experiencing some big dreams and changes. There were times I was disappointed and disillusioned. I held on to the idea that this is all part of the process and continued toward my goals one day at a time. One thought at a time. One meditation at a time. One action step at a time. Not always easy but underneath all the feelings I had a knowing that divine timing was guiding the process. Things have come into fruition at this time. Hallelujah!! . What do you do to open yourself up to TRUST? Please share your ideas and experiences! Contact: In Love and BIG Trust, Fran