Welcome to Summer and Hello Aromatherapy

As I slowly release my PAUSE from the last two months I am embracing the new season of Summer.
Summer is almost officially here and I don’t know about you but I’ve already received my share of bug bites and I am barely holding off poison ivy. Gardening is one of my great pleasures of spring and summer. Being outdoors walking and gardening makes me a prime target for the little critters and who doesn’t want to be outdoors?
In this newsletter I want to share with you some tips and information on Aromatherapy. All I can say is thank goodness for lavender and tea tree oil. I have been using them on all my spider and bug bites as I roam my property weeding and planting.
I have attached my recent Aromatherapy article written for Spiritual Biz Magazine. This article focuses on how to use Aromatherapy in your business and personal life as a holistic regimen to release stress, add pleasure and approach physical wellness.
In the article on Aromatherapy I share:
How Aromatherapy Works
The History of Aromatherapy
The Application and Common Uses of Essential Oils
Benefits of Essential Oils
Resources and Websites
Enjoy the Article!
With Love,