What's Up Doc?
Dear Friends,
As I thought about what I wanted to write about for the New Year I was restless with the idea of resolutions and intentions. Yes Intentions are important and I have set mine for the New Year but something else is in the air. Do you feel it? It’s a sense of urgency and at the same time a sense of an inner knowing to come home to one’s self. Being honest with what’s up for you and what is it that’s holding you back. Honoring your weaknesses, holding them as a guide to where you need to put your attention as you take steps towards creating something important to you this year. That is scary for most of us and you are not alone in this feeling of struggle. So I ask you to really reflect on what’s up for you. Step back without judgement in this moment and open your heart. Start with the body and breathe, relax your muscles. The body will guide you in and when you are quiet ask what is it that you need? What is it that you want? I send you all much peace this year and I thank you for taking the time to read my newsletters. Happy Healthy New Year Much Love, Fran Nurse Empowerment Coach fran@franmedinacoaching.com www.franmedinacoaching.com