Lately I have had a strong desire to have some FUN. You know belly laughs, spontaneity or perhaps adventure. Have you been doing anything FUN lately? I have had a busy schedule and I am craving some real genuine down home creative fun time. Recently I picked up one of my favorite books The Artist’s Way a Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron. This book is chock full of ideas and support of the creative process. One of the tools Julia Cameron recommends to open up your Fun zone is to take yourself on an Artist’s Date. She describes it as a block of time you set aside committed to nurturing your creative consciousness. Spending time having fun opens you up to insight, inspiration and guidance. One of my favorite artist’s dates was several years ago. I took a trip a big chain art store and slowly walked through the aisles soaking in this strange new environment. I had tried my hand at some art projects in the past but this time it was different. I had a curiosity and an openness. Just entering the store gave me a new promise of creativity and aliveness. After some time I picked out paint brushes and water colors. My next step was to find a teacher to learn the some basics. I did find a lovely older lady in my community who I took a few watercolor lessons with. A few weeks later I produced a small sweet water color painting that has been proudly on display in my living room. That was exhilarating and Fun! I’m getting ready for another artist date and I have to admit I skip around the house when I need a pick me up! Some of my friends nicknamed me Skippy. Share what fun you been having or are pondering. Are you up for an artist’s date? Contact me at: In Joy and of course FUN, Fran