An Outbreak of Kindness

Dear Friends,
I hope this newsletter finds you and your families healthy and safe. We have all become familiar with the infection control measures recommended by the CDC. As a former Infection Control Nurse, I believe in all the precautions and safety measures taking place. I do feel, however, as an integrative health practitioner that two other areas of importance must be emphasized:
Psychoneuroimmunology - the interaction between our psychology, nervous system, and the immune system. The emotional states of worry, fear, and anxiety depress the immune system. Each of us would greatly benefit from practicing mindfulness tools and mind-body therapies daily, to decrease anxiety and to re-balance and boost the immune system. The Need For Caring For One Another
I heard Dr. Margaret Boudreaux this week discussing the need for caring for one another. We need an outbreak of kindness. Not just for our immediate families, but also for others in our community. Particularly the elderly folks living near you. Offering an extra hand to someone in need. Being extra kind and patient with each other. Self-compassion and spreading love.
We need to take all the precautions necessary, as we are all in this together.
I am re-posting my Emotional Freedom Technique instructional video below for anyone who may want to learn EFT and try it out; click button and then click on video to play. Please feel free to pass this email to anyone that may benefit.
If you have any questions or would like a free 15-minute EFT review and mini session, please contact me at:
Having tools and sharing them with others is so important as we navigate through these times.
With Love and Compassion,
Fran Nurse Empowerment Coach
EFT Instructional Video: